Savory Blackberry Spoon Bread

Savory Blackberry Spoon Bread

Savory Blackberry Spoon Bread

I’m not sure, but I may have a teeny-tiny obsession with blackberries, raspberries, & blueberries.  When I see them on sale at a good price, I scoop them up & toss them in the freezer for future baking expeditions.  Growing up in Arizona, we didn’t have the luxury of wild berry patches like many of you, & I really don’t remember Mom baking with them either.  I’m not sure why she didn’t, maybe it was being frugal, or perhaps it was living out in the country, the closest (not very close) grocery stores weren’t stocked with all of the freshest & finest items like we have access to today.   I’m sounding old.  Damn.

Savory Blackberry Spoon Bread

Savory Blackberry Spoon Bread

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Of Basil & Wheat Bread Twists & Cat Condos

Basil and Wheat Bread Twists

Basil and Wheat Bread Twists

Gene often jokes with our son that he married me for my bread baking!  He absolutely adores homemade bread, and he’s sure to be whistling a happy tune when he sees me putting some sort of yeast bread together for dinner.  This whole bread baking thing has sort of a symbiotic feel with us, as I love making it just as much.  Truth be told, it puts me in a good mood.  Baking bread is rewarding, satisfying, & gives me a sense of accomplishment.  I just love the whole nurturing process, it brings out the creative “Mom” in me! Continue reading

Jill’s German Chocolate Cake

Jill's German Chocolate Cake

Jill’s German Chocolate Cake

Since Jeanne has been feeling a little under the weather, I thought I would jump in with a quick guest post!  So my husband celebrated a birthday last week and he acts like he doesn’t want a lot of fuss or hoopla, but in reality he is all about celebrating, especially when it involves cake and a huge glass of milk!  So I thought I would surprise him with his favorite German Chocolate Cake!   

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Colorful Veggie & Beef Dinner Nachos

Colorful Veggie & Beef Dinner Nachos

Colorful Veggie & Beef Dinner Nachos

When it comes to meal time, I’m lucky enough to have a family that has a wide range of likes, & very few things they dislike.  For this dinner, I wanted to use up some of the rescued produce I had on hand, including some gorgeous red, orange & yellow bell peppers.  Now my husband isn’t crazy about bell peppers, but he’s a good sport.  So I thought, everything is a series of compromises – he’s not big on bell peppers, but (if you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you already know) he’s a big fan of cheese!  Give a little, take a little – and we’re both happy!  Families with kids are usually trying to sneak in some healthy vegetables whenever possible,  & this is a creative way to do just that, while still enjoying a “fun” family dinner!

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Designing Weekends to Recharge

Recharging Mind & Body Thank goodness for weekends, because sometimes my mind & body just needs  some time to “be,” to rest, & de-stress.  This was one of those Saturdays that just required some good old fashioned R & R.  Everyone in the house needed it, my husband declared it, my son & I took a nap (which he never does).  Hey,  even Mini (our cat) took a break from her “Spicy Mini” persona to cozy herself into her favorite chair.  At some basic level, our body just knows what’s best for us. I think now more than ever, we live in a society which requires more from us.  We’re constantly plugged-in, tuned-in, multi-tasking or otherwise engaged in a way that takes so much from us.  A quote comes to mind;

“I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.”

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Pucker Up! – The Great Lemon Curd Experiment

Easy Lemon Curd

Easy Lemon Curd

Freshly picked lemons from my parent’s tree – what a beautiful gift!  My step Mom Cookie & Dad have some citrus trees that produce the most amazing grapefruit & lemons, & they are always so generous in sharing them with us.  This last batch of lemons went into preparing some wonderful savory dishes, with more left over & just begging to be used!  Making something to showcase these beauties seemed like the right thing to do, & lemon curd would fit the bill! Continue reading